What is White Hat Link Building? Know the Ethical Techniques and Benefits

Need white hat link buildings to enhance your website rankings on Google SERPs? This content gives the best ideas for building white hat links on your website.

Publisher : Kamal Hossain

Jun 7, 2023

Link Building is one of the most effective ways to improve the search engine rankings of a website because it urges search engine crawlers to find new web pages and gether organic referral traffic. But the process is more challenging; there are many risks of getting spammy links. Hence, the best way is to implement white hat link building on your website.

You probably need ethical and legit link buildings to upgrade your website rankings. This content will help you know effective white hat techniques that improve your website search rankings and generate more traffics.

So, without much ado, let’s get started!

What is White Hat Link Building?

White hat link-building is a legit and effective way to create backlinks for a website. Here, you will get the definition of white hat link-building and its difference from other link-building types.

Definition of White Hat Link Building

White hat link building is a part of white hat SEO practices, which is used to build backlinks from authoritative and trustworthy websites that completely adhere to Google’s guidelines, usually by outreach or digital PR. It’s an entirely ethical and sustainable way to enhance your website’s rankings and traffic. 

White Hat link-building is the safest way to protect your website from the Google penalty that impacts your website’s search engine rankings. Despite being a slow process, this technique will bring long-term results to your website.

Difference Between White Hat vs Other Link-Building Techniques

Difference Between White Hat vs Other Link-Building Techniques

There are different types of link-building techniques and strategies, such as white, grey, and black hat link-building, and each differs from the others. 

The main difference between them is that white hat link-building closely complies with search engine guidelines, whereas grey and black hat link-building strategies are not quite as strict. Here are some details on it.

Black Hat Link Building

Black hat link-building is a strategy that uses techniques that are different from the white hat strategy and are explicitly against Google guidelines.

This strategy includes using Private Blog Networks (PBNs) or automatically generating comment links, which are helpful for short-term plans, but ineffective for long-term results. And it puts severe risks on a website.

Grey Hat Link Building

Grey Hat link building remains between white and black hat strategies. The techniques used in this method are also not spammy or utterly white hat. 

In reality, it’s hard to differentiate a white hat from a grey hat link building. A typical example of Grey hat link building is that it asks for a fee in return if you want to want to link it to your website, while Google will say you not to pay for links.

Why Is White Hat Link Building Important?

There are several compelling reasons for white hat techniques for link-building are important. First, you are setting up your website for a long time success by maintaining a positive online reputation. Here is a detail on it. 

Long-Term Results: 

The white hat technique is compliant with search engine guidelines. It ensures that your website is less likely to be penalized by Google due to using manipulative tactics. It will give satisfactory results to your hard-works.

Better User Experience: 

This legit link-building technique will give your website a better user experience because it will help to focus on providing enchanting content and building organic relationships with other websites. 

Stronger Online Reputation: 

When you follow the white hat technique for link-building, you will get a positive reputation within your industry because it will lead to more collaboration opportunities and increased user trust.


The most important fact about the essence of the white hat technique in link building is that it provides sustainable results. Search engine algorithms evolve constantly, and websites that rely on black hat techniques risk getting penalized and losing rankings.

White Hat Link Building Techniques and Strategies

White Hat Link Building Techniques and Strategies

Many white hat link-building strategies will help you get long-term results, a strong online reputation, and sustainability by improving search engine rankings, establishing domain authority, and building relationships and networking. 

Here, I presented some effective white-hat link-building techniques for you. 

Guest Blogging

Though guest Blogging is a slow process that gains a few links, it creates a high value for your site. Its links are well worth the extra effort when they are relevant. For that reason, you should build relevant and authoritative links through guest posts. 

Guest blogging techniques will help you control the context around your brand and sustain suitable keywords. The best is to publish guest posts on the greater authority sites because they can be nicely added to your backlink profile and create link equity. You should create quality content focusing on your target audience. 

Skyscraper Technique

The skyscraper technique is one of the most famous link-building strategies, which certainly helps you improve existing famous content while replicating the backlinks. Here are some effective ways to implement skyscraper techniques for link building. 

First, gather relevant content with copious backlinks using the site explorer, content explorer, and keywords explorer.

After that, reach out to the right people through email outreach, avoiding spammy mail. Remember that you should reach out to the people who have already linked to the particular content you have improved.

Digital PR

A digital PR link-building strategy is the most effective technique to generate links from authoritative publications at scale. It will help you create something newsworthy and pitch to writers with information about the content. You can gather links from top publications quickly when you do it perfectly. 

The digital PR technique works the best because when a website sees a story doing well on other websites, it often posts its version for its audience, contributing to a flywheel effect that helps your story get more links. Moreover, these links are white hat. 

Infographic Outreach

An infographic usually represents a particular piece of information adorned with graphics. Infographic outreach is link-building in white hat techniques focusing on making infographic content. It’s a combination of content and visuals that help the readers easily find what they need without investing more time and reading the whole content.

No doubt, infographic link building is time-consuming and takes more effort. You must spend many hours and days gathering informative content for your online prospects. But it’s one of the most effective processes of building white-hat links. 

In addition, you should know how to plan a backlink strategy using infographics properly. It will add a plus point to your business because many small businesses seem to not follow SEO strategy.

Broken Link Building

Broken link building is a type of link-building strategy that is known for the practice of building backlinks by replacing links to 404 pages with an active link to a target website. This technique helps you find your broken links and reach out to the webmasters with a resource you created to replace the link.

This strategy is very effective for link building because it helps the company acquire a link to your website. For this purpose, you can use off-page SEO tools to find these broken links. Try to figure out what the links originally referenced and find a new page on your site with products or content similar to the original.

Also, you can email the sites and inform them that the link is broken. Then, give them a link to the new page, and ask them to replace the old link with the new one.

Content Improvement Proposal

Content promotion is quite the opposite of the guest posting technique. You can make many links quickly through content promotion if you follow off-page SEO. It will result in high referral traffic and quickly increase your brand awareness. 

This technique will help you create and publish extraordinary content on your website based on a comprehensive guide, tool, or original data. Also, you can create your brand expertise and build authority in your industry, by following this strategy.

Where to Get White Hat Link Building Service?

There are several link-building agencies that provide different kinds of white hat link-building services, such as guest post services, social profiles, citations, diversity links, and more.

But before taking a white hat service from an agency, remember to check out their skills, previous experience, and client reviews. It will ensure whether they are eligible for your project or not. 

Moreover, you should also recognize their price ranges. After searching numerous agencies, choose a company that provides affordable white hat link-building services. 

Benefits of White Hat Link Building

The above discussion has already informed you about the benefits and importance of white hat link-building techniques. Including that, here are more benefits you will gain when using the white hat method for link building. Let’s take a look!

Improvement of Search Engine Rankings

The most remarkable benefit of the white hat technique in link building is that it will improve your website’s search engine rankings. Because white hat SEO is a search engine optimizing practice that adheres to Google’s guidelines.

With this link-building technique, you can create a website with a fantastic user experience and relevant content.

Increased Traffic

Using the white hat technique will certainly increase traffic on your website because by implementing this technique, you are establishing a network of your website which convert users directly to your site due to its high-quality links.

Establishing Domain Authority

Establishing domain authority is one of the advantages of white hat SEO link-building practices. Creating high-quality content and implementing white hat strategies will improve your website’s SERP rankings and advance your SEO objectives. Ultimately, it will build the domain authority of your website. 

Building Relationships and Networking Opportunities

When you properly conduct link-building, your website will approach other website owners and content managers and request links. It will help you build more relationships and networking opportunities through outreach and connecting with people. 

Moreover, it will help you write guest blogs, fix broken links to your website, and add a resource list.

Tips for Successful White Hat Link Building

No doubt, more effective results come with more accurate efforts and strategies. White hat SEO requires creative and manual plans and strategies to achieve the best results. Here are some tips for successful white hat link-building for your website. 

Understanding your target audience

The audience is all about making a business journey successful, and a business will certainly fail if the owner can’t understand the target audience. That is why you must understand your target audience and potential clients. It will help you specify your business plans and take authentic and effective steps to earn outstanding profits. 

Apprehending the target audience is the key to perfectly outreaching link-building and obtaining links from other websites.

Producing high-quality content

Content is king, and your website’s success mainly depends on the quality and coherence of the content you create and publish on your site. It clarifies that you must create relevant and attractive content that grabs your target audience easily and generates more traffic.

High-quality and engaging content is the simplest way to build white hat links that will boost your SEO efforts and bring large numbers of traffic for the following years.

Building genuine relationships with other websites

When it comes to white hat link-building, it’s often said that “your network is your net worth.” You must create genuine relationships with other websites and platforms to boost your link-building progress.  

When you build internal links with other website pages through content, you can diminish bounce rates and better train Google’s algorithm on your content niche. Also, you can make relationships with leaders in your industry by linking to their content, which helps you increase your odds of receiving a backlink in return.

Monitoring link-building progress and results

Another important fact is that you need to monitor link-building progress and results. It’s crucial for you to track the links that you generate during running a link-building campaign. 

There are lots of backlink monitoring tools that provide accurate information on your link-building progress and results. You will get data from all the links pointed out on your website, including insight into your competitors’ backlinks.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Along with maintaining the above-mentioned strategies for building white hat links, you need to avoid some mistakes, such as black hat techniques, poor quality, and irrelevant backlinks.

Black Hat Techniques

The first thing you must avoid is using the black hat technique because it will destroy your ethical white hat efforts and make your link-building strategies and plans in vain.

It’s true that you will get fast results for a little moment in black hat techniques, but for a long-term policy, it will harm your link-buildings.

Poor Quality Content

Once more, content is king, and it plays an important role in making your website perfect and generating a lot of traffic. 

So, never publish poor-quality content; rather, try to implement engaging and high-quality content that grabs the reader and viewers to stay on your site for a long time.

Irrelevant Backlinks

Another serious mistake you should avoid is irrelevant backlinks. There are some low-quality websites that might send do-follow links and ask search engines to recognize your website as one of them. 

It can harm your website, and to defame your website from these spammy links, you should avoid these types of irrelevant links.


What are the best ways to build links for a website?

There are multiple ways to build links for a website, but the best way is the white hat link-building technique, which is an ethical and legal method. 

How do you know if your backlinks are white hat?

To ensure the white hat of your backlinks, you need to follow some steps, such as anchoring text relevance, linking page content relevance and quality, linking domain quality and relevance, IP address, and link location. 

What Can You Get From White Hat Link Building?

White hat links uplift your website’s rankings among search engines through its ethical and organic link-building techniques. It improves users’ experience by boosting content quality and enlarging its scope through relevant links.

Is link building illegal?

There are different types of link-building techniques, such as white hat and black hat link buildings. The white hat technique is legit and legal, whereas the black hat technique is illegal according to Google’s rules.


Link building is an effective way to bring a website to the first page of Goole SERPs and to amass a large number of visitors to it. There are lots of link-building techniques, including legal and illegal. But only the white hat link-building technique is legit, ethical, and legal. 

It provides the most effective and sustainable results for a website. In this content, you learned all the beneficial white hat techniques to build links on your website. Also, you got a brief idea of where to get white hat links. Now, the process got much easier for you. So, builds white hat links and make your business successful.

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    Rakib Hasan

    Rakib Hasan

    Rakib is a novelist who has also a great passion for creative content writing in multiple niches like photography ideas, ecommerce product reviews, and content creation. He loves writing about any topic from unique perspectives and sharing creative ideas through blog posts, articles, and other writings.

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