Affordable SEO Packages for Small Businesses – Choose What You Need!

Do you run a small business? Use SEO packages for small businesses to optimize your website, increase traffic, generate leads, and increase sales. Click here to learn more.

Publisher : Kamal Hossain

Feb 11, 2023

Finding affordable SEO packages for small businesses can be confusing. There are so many options, prices, and services to choose from. How do you know which one is the best for your business?

I’ve created this article to help you determine which affordable SEO package is best for your company and where to find it. Also, I have included a short list of SEO tasks that are included in small business SEO packages.

In this digital era, people heavily rely on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines when they need to purchase a product or service. In fact, a reliable report says these search engines serve as the foundation for 93% of all online interactions.

What is an SEO Package for Small Businesses?

The SEO package for small businesses is referred to as the “SEO strategies” that are required to optimize the business websites to improve their visibility in the organic search results of the search engines. Usually, the package includes different SEO services such as on-page, off-page, technical SEO, local SEO, and many more.

SEO Package for Small Businesses includes these services

Increase brand awareness and gain organic search traffic from search engines. Learn more about our SEO!

What Does Include in SEO Packages for Small Businesses?

There are 200+ ranking factors that affect a website’s position in search results, making SEO a vast field. Let’s explore the various services offered by SEO packages for small businesses so that you can decide which one your company might require.

Complete SEO Audit Services

Complete SEO Audit Services

SEO auditing is the process of analyzing the practices and performance of a website in terms of attracting organic traffic. It basically functions as a website’s version of a physical exam, with the goal of identifying any problems that could hinder its ability to rank in search engine result pages (SERPs).

SEO audit services make it possible to identify the factors that are best practices, not working for a website,  need further improvement, user experience issues, gaps, marketplace insights, and many more. However, it has different sub-categories that deal with identifying distinctive issues.

The complete SEO Audit services include-

  • On-Page SEO Audit: This service analyzes website performance in terms of research and placement, content quality to identify if it is fresh or declining, content images, title, headings, URLs, internal, external, and broken links, page speed, mobile friendliness, crawl ability, and many other factors.
  • Off-Page SEO Audit: This service includes reviewing a website’s link-building profile and providing reports on its status. It can also analyze the backlink status of the competitors to look for the potential backlinking source.
  • Technical SEO Audit: This service checks a website’s technical aspects to see if they are adhering to best practices for search engine optimization. These technical aspects include crawl ability, indexability, sitemap, site structure, and core web vitals like page speed and mobile friendliness.

Read Also: Thinking About Hiring SEO Audit Consultant? First to Read This

Keyword Research Services

A man searching keyword to provide keyword research services

The audience-building and traffic-generating strategies are inextricably linked with keywords, as people use keywords to research and look up a wide range of issues and solutions in search engines. Therefore, one of the most important elements of an SEO package for small businesses is the keyword research service.

The benefits of keyword research include-

  • Helps to identify target keywords
  • Helps to understand the competition
  • Helps with the content development strategy
  • Helps to create content as per audience demand
  • Helps to gain the best possible backlinks
  • Helps to identify easy rank-boosting keywords

To Know: What is Keyword Research? and How to choose the right keywords?

You might be wondering why you should invest in a keyword research service when numerous keyword research tools are available for free. To know the value of a keyword research service, you have to know how they work.

Let’s check out the working process of a keyword research service. 

  • Creating a List:  First, they create a list of basic keywords relevant to the business and then come up with other keywords relevant to the basic keywords. 
  • Research and review: Then, they create a list of relevant keywords that people are most interested in or that have a high search volume. After that, they review the new list and check for long-tail keywords.
  • Analyze:  Later, they use industry-standard SEO tools to identify the keywords used by the competitors. They use Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMRush, and other keyword research tools to further refine the keywords and create the final list. 

Free tools provide information regarding search volume, SEO difficulty score, often improper Click Per Cost (CPC), and limited keyword recommendations.

For this reason, using a keyword research service is a smart move if you want to get better results. 

Content Writing Services

Women writing article to provide content writing services

Content marketing is a significant part of a digital marketing strategy. It is a great way to let the readers know what a business is offering, address their queries, and provide tips and ideas to build a trustworthy relationship with the goal of converting them to customers.

However, creating content doesn’t mean just writing content; rather, it requires strategic planning and extensive research. Let’s check out what is offered as part of this service:

Content Planning & Creation

Creating high-quality and effective content requires a proper content strategy and planning. For that, content writing services provide research and identification of the company’s objectives, customer demands, target keywords, relevant keywords, competitor keyword analysis, and many other factors by SEO experts.

Blog Writing for Your Target Audience

Blog writing is a part of content creation that brings more visibility to a business or website. The right use of keywords is the most effective way to increase brand awareness, drive traffic, build links, and maintain website rankings over time.


Every type of business aims to generate revenue and copywriting acts as the cherry on top for content marketing. Copywriting is the process of writing persuasive content that motivates the audience to purchase a product/service.

On-Page SEO Services

Women working in On-Page SEO

On-page SEO services refer to the optimization of certain factors related to the target keywords used in specific pages of your website with the purpose of achieving a higher rank in the search engine ranking pages (SERPs). This service includes-

Title Tags and Formatting

Each webpage on a website has two different types of titles, which are-

Title tag: This title appears as the title of a page in the search results. It’s also known as SEO or the meta title. 

H1 tag: This title appears as the title of a page after entering the page. 

Formatting: This involves the proper use of headings to present the information in an organized way while maintaining the hierarchy through sections and subsections. 

Optimized titles and headings containing target keywords and relevant high-search volume keywords create the impression of high-quality content for the search engines.  And when displaying search results, search engines always give priority to the highest quality content. 

Keyword Optimization

Keyword placement, also known as “keyword optimization,” refers to the process of researching, evaluating, and selecting the target keywords for a website’s webpage contents to generate traffic from search engines to the websites.

Meta Description Optimization

Meta description refers to the small description that appears under the title tags on the SERPs providing the key ideas of the content to the searchers. An optimized meta description contains target keywords that help to generate click-through rates (CTR). Consequently, a higher CTR increases the credibility of the content and helps it rank higher in the SERPs.

URL Optimization

The Uniform Resource Locator, or URL, is the web address for your resource. An optimized URL helps both searchers and search engines understand the topic of the landing page. To optimize URLs, keywords from the content are used to make it look authentic, maximize the chances of clicking and sharing, increase its visibility in search results, and positively affect ranking.

Images and Alt Tags Optimization

Images used in the content are an essential factor for ranking. Optimized images used in a website make it easy for search engines to read and locate images easily. The dimension, file size, and file format of the images affect the site speed. That’s why images are optimized by compressing, resizing, and changing file names, file formats, etc., to keep the site speed faster. 

Adding alt text to the images is another vital optimization factor for driving traffic, and increasing visibility and ranking. Alt tag optimization makes images appear in the image search option of a search engine as well as in the search results image pack.

Internal and External Links Optimization

On-page SEO involves two types of links-

Internal links: These are the links used on a website page that direct to other pages within the same website.

External links: These are the links used on a website page that direct to other websites. Usually, these links are used for reference and user benefit. 

Link optimization has a number of benefits, including improving ranking, increasing search engine visibility, increasing referral traffic, gaining higher page and domain authority, increasing credibility, improving conversion rate, and many more.

So far, we’ve learned what specific advantages each category of on-page SEO services offers. Let’s now learn about the overall benefits of utilizing on-page SEO services:

  • Higher rank in SERPs
  • Improves crawl rate
  • Increase local visibility
  • Drives up organic traffic
  • Ensures long-term page value
  • Raises the conversion rate
  • Improves Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Off-Page SEO Services

Off-Page SEO Services include these checklists

Off-page SEO services refer to SEO activities performed outside of a website in order to improve the website’s ranking in search engine result pages (SERP). Most people focus on backlinks when thinking about off-page SEO. However, there are other influencing factors too. This service includes- 

Link Building services

Link building is an SEO tactic used to build a network of links to a website page in order to increase traffic and boost that page’s authority in search results. Building links refers to two types of links: internal links and external links (backlinks). Both internal and external links are necessary to demonstrate your relevance to the search engines or Google.  

Although it may seem simple, link-building requires a well-planned strategy. Link-building services conduct an analysis of a website to produce reports on its existing backlinks and develop a successful and well-thought-out strategy for adding more backlinks.

The benefits of link-building services are-

  • Helps the search engine to crawl 
  • Makes the websites credible
  • Increased web traffic
  • Increases visibility
  • Increases site metrics and SEO score
  • Creates opportunities for collaboration

Analyze Your Competitor Backlinks

Analyzing competitor backlinks is another essential component of monitoring the competition. Through the off-page SEO service, you can analyze the competitor domains to get a report on the links they have used and the source of their networking. This will give you an advantage as you formulate your strategies by giving you hints about their tactics. 

Guest Posting

The term “guest posting” refers to writing content for other websites. The purpose of writing a guest post is to use the link to your website or the contents of your website in the guest content to drive traffic from the host website to your website.  

Off-page SEO services can help you find websites with high domain authority relevant to your niche so that you can get the maximum benefit from guest posting.

Social Platforms

Another essential factor that may affect a website’s ranking is a strong presence on social media platforms. Brands that are active on social media platforms are considered more approachable and trustworthy. 

Off-page SEO services offer assistance from social media specialists to develop successful social media posts incorporating the links and details of a business by examining the requirements and trends of social media users.

Technical SEO Services

Technical SEO services are included in a small business SEO package.

Technical SEO refers to optimization factors connected to a website’s internal structure. These factors make a site work faster, be more indexable,  and be more efficient to crawl. This service plays a crucial role in making other SEO strategies work well. This service includes-

Schema Markup

The language (code) search engines use to read and comprehend the content of the pages is called schema markup. It is also referred to as “structured data.” It makes content easier for search engines to read, recognize, and classify. You can generate schema markup through technical SEO services to create an efficient and error-free site.

To Know: What Is Schema Markup & Why It’s Important for SEO?

Mobile Accessibility

Mobile searches are comparatively more popular than desktop searches, so mobile friendliness is considered an important ranking factor for a website on Google or other search engines. Therefore, a small business SEO package includes services that customize a website to make it mobile-friendly.

404 Pages

A 404 page, also known as an error page, is the ❛content not found page❜ that appears on the screen when a user tries to reach a non-existent page of a website. This page creates a negative impact on the user experience. However, optimizing the pages can turn a negative impression into a positive one.

Canonical URL

The canonical URL is the HTML tag that refers to the original content page with multiple versions. It helps search engines combine the data from various URLs into a single authoritative URL and makes tracking metrics for a topic or product simple. As a result, Google properly indexes the content and places the main content.

Google Search Console Issues

The Google search console is a tool that helps monitor a website’s performance to look for and solve issues that cause problems in the search results. The issues include URL errors due to the absence of indexing, blocked by robots.txt; 404 errors, server errors due to the hosting server getting overloaded, down, or misconfigured; redirect errors, mobile usability errors, and many more.

With the aid of a technical SEO service, you can identify all these problems and take the necessary action to fix them or prevent them from happening.

Local SEO Services

Local SEO services are essential for small business websites to get local ranking.

Local SEO refers to the optimization strategy that increases the visibility of a business or website in Google’s local search results. This service includes-

  • Creating a Google My Business profile with proper NAP
  • Local business listing
  • Local keyword research 
  • Citation & link building
  • Location mentioning in the key parts of the site
  • Including the site in high-quality local directories
  • Collecting customer reviews 
  • Creating content referencing local area

The benefits of local SEO are-

  • Increases website traffic 
  • Increases local visibility
  • Generates qualified local leads 
  • Improves local organic ranking
  • Works as a means of free advertisement
  • Increases the effectiveness of local marketing

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is an SEO tactic that investigates rival companies to identify their digital marketing strategies, strengths, and weaknesses so that comparisons can be made to find the gaps and improve the business strategy. 

This service consists of identifying true competitors, conducting competitor keyword research, finding keyword gaps, and conducting backlink analysis to determine the link sources, which provides opportunities for strategic link building to expand the network, track progress, and many more things.

Regular Reporting

Regular reporting is essential to maintaining transparent communication between the client and service providers. Therefore, weekly or monthly reporting is an essential component of affordable SEO packages for small and medium-sized businesses. Service providers create customized dashboards to track the progress of the SEO campaign. This helps to check whether the campaign is working well or needs any type of adjustment. 

ROI Reporting

Return on Investment (ROI) is the way to evaluate the area of a business that generates revenue and contributes to the growth of the business. Affordable SEO packages for small businesses include an ROI reporting service to assess whether the marketing strategies are effective in the targeted industries or whether the efforts and investments are ineffective. 

What Are SEO Packages for Small Businesses?

Different categories of affordable SEO packages are designed based on the size of a business. Although the package offerings vary depending on the SEO agencies, you can expect to have similar offerings as provided below.

Basic SEO Package

Website Audit & Analysis

✔ Around 15 keywords
✔ Website & Competitor Analysis
✔ Content Duplicity Check
✔ Initial Ranking Report
✔ Keywords Research

On Page SEO Analysis

✔ Title & Meta Tags
✔ URL Structure 
✔ Content Optimization
✔ Image Optimization
✔ Heading Tag Optimization
✔ Canonicalization
✔ Robots.txt
✔ Sitemap Creation
✔ Blog Optimization – (1-2 Posts)

Technical SEO Setup

✔ Google Analytics & Search Console Setup
✔ Website Speed Optimization
❌ Find and Fix Crawl Errors
✔ Fix Broken Links
❌ Fix HTTP Links on HTTPS
❌ Add Structured Data
❌ Fix Redirect Chains

Local SEO Setup

❌Google Map Integration
❌ Google My Business Page Setup and Optimization
✔ Local Citations (3-5)
✔ Local Classifieds (max 2)

Off Page SEO

✔ Social Sharing – (25-30)
✔ Blog Social Sharing
✔ Slide Submissions – 1
✔ Text Infographic Creation – 1
– Competitor Backlink Research
✔ Q & A – (Max 1)

Content Writing

✔ Service Page Content – 0.08
✔ General Blog Content – 0.05
✔ Technical Content – 0.08
✔ Social Media Content – 0.12
✔ Guest Post Content Writing – 0.05

Email Outreach

❌ Guest Blogging
❌ Broken Backlink Building
❌ Resource Link Building
❌ Alerts and Mention
❌ Link Roundups

Monthly Reporting

✔ Keyword Ranking Report
✔ Google Analytics Report
✔ Acquired Links Report

Basic – $1,500+/m

Medium SEO Package

Website Audit & Analysis

✔ Around 30+ keywords
✔ Website & Competitor Analysis
✔ Content Duplicity Check
✔ Initial Ranking Report
✔ Keywords Research

On Page SEO Analysis

✔ Title & Meta Tags
✔ URL Structure 
✔ Content Optimization
✔ Image Optimization
✔ Heading Tag Optimization
✔ Canonicalization
✔ Robots.txt
✔ Sitemap Creation
✔ Blog Optimization – (3-5 Posts)

Technical SEO Setup

✔ Google Analytics & Search Console Setup
✔ Website Speed Optimization
❌ Find and Fix Crawl Errors
✔ Fix Broken Links
❌ Fix HTTP Links on HTTPS
✔ Add Structured Data
❌ Fix Redirect Chains

Local SEO Setup

✔ Google Map Integration
✔ Google My Business Page Setup and Optimization
✔ Local Citations (3-5)
✔ Local Classifieds (max 3)

Off Page SEO

✔ Social Sharing – (30-40)
✔ Blog Social Sharing
✔ Slide Submissions – 2
✔ Text Infographic Creation – 2
– Competitor Backlink Research
✔ Q & A – (Max 3)

Content Writing

✔ Service Page Content – 0.08
✔ General Blog Content – 0.05
✔ Technical Content – 0.08
✔ Social Media Content – 0.12
✔ Guest Post Content Writing – 0.05

Email Outreach

✔ Guest Blogging
✔ Broken Backlink Building
❌ Resource Link Building
✔ Alerts and Mention
❌ Link Roundups

Monthly Reporting

✔ Keyword Ranking Report
✔ Google Analytics Report
✔ Acquired Links Report

Medium – $5,000+/m

Enterprise SEO Package

Website Audit & Analysis

✔ Around 50+ keywords
✔ Website & Competitor Analysis
✔ Content Duplicity Check
✔ Initial Ranking Report
✔ Keywords Research

On Page SEO Analysis

✔ Title & Meta Tags
✔ URL Structure 
✔ Content Optimization
✔ Image Optimization
✔ Heading Tag Optimization
✔ Canonicalization
✔ Robots.txt
✔ Sitemap Creation
✔ Blog Optimization – (5-7 Posts)

Technical SEO Setup

✔ Google Analytics & Search Console Setup
✔ Website Speed Optimization
✔ Find and Fix Crawl Errors
✔ Fix Broken Links
✔ Fix HTTP Links on HTTPS
✔ Add Structured Data
✔ Fix Redirect Chains

Local SEO Setup

✔ Google Map Integration
✔ Google My Business Page Setup and Optimization
✔ Local Citations (3-5)
✔ Local Classifieds (max 3)

Off Page SEO

✔ Social Sharing –(40- 50)
✔ Blog Social Sharing
✔ Slide Submissions – 3
✔ Text Infographic Creation – 3
✔Competitor Backlink Research
✔ Q & A – (Max 5)

Content Writing

✔ Service Page Content – 0.08
✔ General Blog Content – 0.05
✔ Technical Content – 0.08
✔ Social Media Content – 0.12
✔ Guest Post Content Writing – 0.05

Email Outreach

✔ Guest Blogging
✔ Broken Backlink Building
✔ Resource Link Building
✔ Alerts and Mention
✔ Link Roundups

Monthly Reporting

✔ Keyword Ranking Report
✔ Google Analytics Report
✔ Acquired Links Report

Enterprise – $10,000+

We have tried to present approximate costs, these prices may be increased depending on range of services!

Looking to boost your ecommerce store’s search engine ranking and attract more customers? Check out this article on ecommerce SEO packages and see what’s included!

How Much Does SEO Cost for a Small Business?

Although it seems that SEO costs a hefty sum of money, it can also come at a reasonable price. Today, many SEO service providers offer tailored SEO packages for businesses of all sizes, including startups, small businesses, medium-sized businesses, and large corporations. 

Depending on the type of SEO service, different costs are assessed. Usually, the average cost of an SEO package for small businesses is around $750 to $2000 per month, and a one-time project can cost around $5000 to $30,000. Some service providers also offer the option of hourly payment. 

We, RankUpper, a budding digital marketing agency, offer affordable SEO packages for small businesses at a very reasonable cost starting at $1000.

How to Choose an Affordable SEO Agency to Work With?

Women thinking of how to choose an affordable SEO agency to work with

Consider the following factors when hiring affordable SEO services for your small business.


Considering the agency’s credibility is the first thing to do. Even though everyone claims to be the best, it is best to double-check to determine whether or not they are the best choice for you. Check their work history and a niche-specific case study report to confirm their credibility and determine whether they have experience working in your niche. 


Customer reviews are a great way to evaluate the competency of an SEO agency. Look for reviews on Google, social media, or other sites and analyze the statements of the customers to learn how they benefited, or whether they encountered any problems. 


Assessing the quality of the service is another crucial factor in selecting an SEO agency. You can ask them to provide samples so you can get an idea of the caliber of their work. You can also check the website to learn about the team members and their capabilities. 

Talk to Them

Direct communication is the most effective way to learn about an organization. Get in touch with them via email and schedule a time to speak with them on the phone, via video call, or, if possible, in person. Discuss how they work, their strengths, how they can help you with your business, and so on.


What types of SEO packages are affordable for small and medium-sized businesses?

For a beginner, you can start with the basic package to understand how  the services work and help your business, and then upgrade to the medium or premium package. However, basic and medium packages don’t include all the services. Therefore, selecting the premium package would be both cost- and result-effective. 

What is the difference between cheap SEO Vs affordable SEO services?

Although both cheap and affordable SEO services have one thing in common, which is a low price, the quality and results they provide have a stark difference. Cheap SEO can cause long-term effects such as low results, hurt the brand reputation, or put the website in danger. Affordable SEO, on the other hand, takes into account the objectives, customer needs and conducts competitor analysis strategically, yielding a long-term result.

Do affordable SEO services really exist?

Yes, SEO service providers offer customized inexpensive, affordable, and expensive SEO packages taking into account every type of business and financial situation.

Why Should You Invest in Small Business SEO Services?

SEO helps small businesses create strong, user-friendly websites that drive organic traffic to the website and promote their businesses for free. Additionally, even if your business is small, you can position yourself as an authority with the right SEO techniques. 

How does SEO benefit small businesses?

SEO benefits small businesses in a number of ways, including, increased organic search traffic, customer trust, improved user experiences, improved brand awareness, trackable progress, higher conversion rates, and many more. 

What SEO tools are needed for small businesses?

A small business requires the following SEO tools-
– For checking website performance (Google Search Console, Google Analytics)
– For keyword research (Keyword Planner, Keyword Everywhere, Keyword Surfer, Ubersuggest) 
– For SEO Audit (Ahrefs, SEMrush)


Hope that this post has helped you learn more about the various SEO services that impact website visibility, ranking factors, and lead generation. Decide which SEO service to choose based on the needs of your company in order to reap long-term rewards.

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    Khadizatul Kobra Shanta

    Khadizatul Kobra Shanta

    Shanta is a strategic content writer who loves writing in different niches, like photography, e-commerce, and content development. She is devoted to honing her expertise in content writing fields, by gathering more knowledge and skills, while also sharing new ideas with people in the enchanting ways.

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