Affordable eCommerce SEO Packages: Check What’s Included

Wondering what’s included in eCommerce SEO packages? Our comprehensive list can help you to know more about e-commerce seo and make a decision while getting services from an agency.

Publisher : Kamal Hossain

Feb 10, 2023

Everyone knows that SEO is important for a website. But does an online store need it as well?

Yes, undoubtedly!

I’ve covered all the essential Ecommerce SEO topics in this article. Including the advantages you can get from it, the services you can get from reasonable Ecommerce SEO packages, which SEO package is best for your online store website, and many more.

So, without further ado, let’s learn.

What is Ecommerce SEO?

What is Ecommerce SEO

Ecommerce SEO is the process of optimizing an online store in order to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages.

This is done by implementing various on-page and off-page optimization techniques, such as keyword research, writing SEO-friendly product descriptions and content creation, and link building, to improve the store’s relevance and authority in the eyes of search engines.

The goal of Ecommerce SEO is to drive more organic traffic to the store, which can lead to more sales and revenue for the business. Ecommerce SEO is an important part of running a successful online store, as it helps to increase visibility and attract potential customers. Here you can check the key benefits of eCommerce SEO.

What is an Ecommerce SEO Package?

An Ecommerce SEO package is a collection of SEO services or SEO checklists that are designed to help improve the visibility and ranking of an online store or Ecommerce website in search engine results pages.

These packages typically include a range of SEO checklists, such as keyword research, product page optimization, category page optimization, image optimization, link building, content creation, and many more that are tailored to the specific needs of the online store.

Some Ecommerce SEO packages may also include additional services, such as social media marketing and email marketing, PPC marketing, etc., to help drive even more traffic to the store.

Don’t Forget to Read: How much does an ecommerce website cost? See average costs

What is Included in Ecommerce SEO Packages?

The following services are included in Ecommerce SEO packages:

Ecommerce SEO Strategy

Team Members are Compiling an Ecommerce SEO Strategy

The overwhelming amount of products, product category pages, offer pages, and other content on an e-commerce store’s website makes Ecommerce SEO seem difficult. However, a smart move like developing strategies can make the Ecommerce SEO process smooth and effective. 

Ecommerce SEO packages provide the strategy developing service, which involves analyzing the website and the websites of competitors to determine where the majority of traffic originates. Based on that, they set the products and pages in order of priority and create the workflow, which includes choosing the right keywords, optimizing headings, metadata, and descriptions, as well as performing other SEO-related tasks to raise the website’s visibility.

Keyword Identification

Person Identifying Keywords

“Keywords” are word combinations or phrases people use to search on search engines for any kind of query. According to studies, 53% of U.S. consumers use search engines to research products before purchasing. Interestingly, most of the searches are conducted for generic products rather than brands, for instance, winter jackets for men, dresses for prom, running shoes for women, etc. 

Therefore, Keyword Research is considered an essential service for Ecommerce SEO. This service includes identifying words and phrases that customers mainly use to describe a product while searching, with the purpose of using them on the store’s or website’s product descriptions, blogs, copywriting, or other places. Besides, it helps to figure out the best way to describe a business or a product to rank higher in SERPs. 

Product Page Optimization

SEO Expert Optimizing Product Page

The most important section of an online store is the product page because this is where customers land after conducting a product search. These pages rank higher for specific search phrases when people use longer keywords. 

While searching for products, people use both short and long-tail keywords. For instance, when searching for a bed for a pet, they may use keywords like dog bed, large comfy bed for dogs in white,  and many more. In such cases, if your product page lacks potential long-tail keywords, chances are high that your page won’t rank. 

Therefore, product page optimization service is crucial for every Ecommerce store. This service includes-

  • Optimization of the page title
  • Optimization of the product title
  • Optimization of the product description

The model name or number, target keywords, relevant short keywords, long tail keywords, etc., are all included in the optimization process. For this reason, the product pages have the chance to rank higher regardless of whether a customer searches for a product using the brand name or a feature.  

Product Image Optimization

Women Designer Optimizing Product Image

Product images help potential customers and search engines understand the products properly. Search engines, however, are unable to see images; instead, they interpret the image data, such as file names, alt text, etc., to understand the images. 

Therefore, Ecommerce stores should use optimized product images so that search engines can recognize the products and recommend them to users whenever they are searched for. That means it plays an important role in building relationships between the users and the product images. Besides, optimized images improve page load speed, decrease the bounce rate, and make product pages ready to convert customers.

Ecommerce SEO package offers product image optimization service which includes-

  • Optimizing file name
  • Optimizing file size
  • Optimizing file format
  • Adding Alt text
  • Adding caption

Product SEO Copywriting

Product SEO Copywriting

Product SEO copywriting refers to writing keyword-rich persuasive content like product descriptions, product category pages, or other website pages with compelling words to convert readers into customers. 

The SEO service packages for Ecommerce include a copywriting service, where SEO experts and copywriters work together to produce well-researched emotion-evoking copy that boosts traffic and sales.  

Content Promotion

Women working for content promotion

An excellent way to indirectly promote a brand is through content promotion. Content can be promoted through various channels, such as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads, social media, email marketing, and many more. 

Content promotion is an integral part of Ecommerce website SEO. Study shows that 70% of people prefer to know about brands or products through content like blogs, articles, posts, etc. rather than ads. Moreover, people use different ad blockers while surfing the web, which makes ads less effective for content marketing. 

Therefore, taking advantage of content promotion services for online shops can be fruitful, as this service offers:

  • Planning content marketing strategy
  • Creating content
  • Distributing content
  • Promoting content
  • Tracking the progress of content

Professional Blog or Article Copywriting

Professional Female Blog Writer Working

Professional blog or article copywriting is a powerful tool for directing visitors to your website for answers to their frequent questions. Most of the time, people don’t search for products with the intention of making a purchase; instead, they look up information on various topics. 

Affordable Ecommerce SEO package includes Ecommerce professional blogs or article copywriting on-

  • Product comparison
  • Product reviews
  • Product recommendations and many more

Naturally, after getting the product reviews or recommendations, people will feel the urge to check out those products in their shop and make the purchasing decision. 

Product Pages Structured Data Markup

SEO Expert Optimizing Product Pages Structured Data

Structured data markup is the addition of information to HTML so that search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others can learn about the website, web pages, or contents and display them in rich results in search results. Basically, it involves writing structured data code. Since it influences the visibility factors in the search engines, the product page structured data markup service is included in an Ecommerce SEO package.

Ecommerce Navigation Optimization

Ecommerce Navigation Optimization

Website navigation plays an important role for both users and search engines. It consists of links, usually in the header, footer, and sidebar, that take users to various areas of the website they are trying to find or learn about. Besides, navigation helps the search engine bot to crawl easily and understand the context of the content and the linked pages. 

A study shows that when people visit a website for the first time, 38% of them notice the layout of the web page, and 42% leave if the website has poor navigational accessibility. An Ecommerce SEO package includes website navigation optimization as an additional service, taking into account the importance of improving the user experience and crawlability.

The following are the elements that are part of the service for website navigation optimization. 

  • Menu style
  • Primary navigation
  • Categories
  • Sticky navigation
  • Search functionalities
  • Mobile navigation design and many more.


Expert Working on a Website to Make it Mobile Friendly

The majority of people now access the internet primarily through their smartphones. A study found that mobile devices generate 58.99% of website traffic globally. Therefore, mobile compatibility is another aspect that is extremely crucial for an Ecommerce store.

Search engine optimization packages include the mobile optimization service of an Ecommerce website. The service covers-

  • Page speed optimization
  • Simplify the website design for user-friendly navigation
  • Adjust the text style, color contrast, buttons, etc. 
  • For brand coherence, guarantee visual and functional parity between desktop and mobile interfaces
  • Allow users to complete purchases on both mobile and desktop websites while saving their information
  • Removing interfering ads and pop-ups, and many more. 

Creative Content & High-Quality Backlinks

High-Quality Backlinks

Creative content such as ebooks, guides, case studies, social media posts, email newsletters, webinars, Q&A posts, guest posts, and so on are great ways to generate leads. Producing such optimized content with relevant data and research enables connections with a wider range of audiences and raises the brand’s credibility. 

The SEO package also offers an off-page SEO service that emphasizes link building. The service will examine both your backlink profile and those of your rivals to find high-quality backlinks that will generate referral traffic.

Google Search Console Setup

Google Search Console Setup

Google Search Console is a free tool or search-engine-focused service from Google that helps monitor and identify the performance of a website in Google searches. Although using this tool is not a ranking factor, it can provide insights regarding indexing data, troubleshooting issues, security issues, and other metrics that influence the visibility of a website in the SERPs. 

Ecommerce SEO packages often include this Google Search Console setup as an additional SEO service, considering the importance of this tool.

Google Analytics Setup

Google Analytics Setup

Google Analytics setup is included in SEO packages. It is another helpful tool from Google that analyzes websites to gain a thorough understanding of how well they perform.  

Through Google Analytics, you can integrate with other Google services, monitor website traffic, identify the target audience, recognize user behavior, improve SEO and content marketing, track conversions, and do many more things.

Monthly Reporting

Monthly Reporting

Monthly reporting is part of the SEO service, regardless of whether you choose a monthly, annual, basic, or cheap SEO package. The monthly reporting consists of a detailed report of the progress of the SEO strategies, such as organic traffic, SEO health, ranking, backlinks, site speed, site map, and other domain metrics. 

What Are the Additional SEO Services for Ecommerce Websites?

Apart from the abovementioned services, Ecommerce SEO services offer some additional SEO services, which are-

Ecommerce Site Audit

Ecommerce site audits are one of the most vital SEO services for an Ecommerce website. Examining the site’s functionality, conversion rate, content, and other SEO metrics can help the website perform better. On top of that, it is the best way to pinpoint the core issues and areas in need of improvement. Also, it helps strengthen the security of the website by finding loopholes for cyberattacks and other vulnerabilities.

Ecommerce site auditing includes-

  • On-page SEO Audit
  • Off-page SEO Audit
  • Technical SEO Audit
  • Content Audit
  • Platform Audit
  • Conversion Rate Audit, and many more.

If you’re thinking about hiring an SEO audit consultant, it’s important to inform about seo audit checklist. Before making a decision, make sure to do your research and ask the right questions.

Technical Optimization

Search engines consider several factors when determining a website’s quality. Among them, user experience, crawlability, page loading speed, structured data, etc., are included. Therefore, technical aspects that influence the ranking of an Ecommerce website are part of technical SEO optimization.

Social Media Profiles Optimization

Social media is regarded as the top channel for luring customers in today’s market. Thus, having an optimized social media profile is crucial for effectively reaching the target audience. Ecommerce SEO providers can also include the social media profile optimization service under the Off-Page SEO service in their SEO package.

Social Media Promotion

An optimized social media profile is not enough to reach the target audience. It requires effective marketing strategies to promote the brand or products. Ecommerce SEO packages often include social media promotion/marketing as an additional service to help build a stable position on social media platforms. 

Image & Video Optimization

Images and videos are the most significant asset for an Ecommerce website as it is the only source of attracting customers to buy the products. However, suppose your site lacks product images or videos or needs adjustments to improve the quality. In that case, Ecommerce SEO service providers are there to help you out with such a situation.

New Content Strategy Implementation

A new content strategy is necessary for an Ecommerce business to set priorities and identify its market goals. It helps to work in an organized way so that the marketing effort works effectively to establish a relationship with the target audience and turn them into customers. Ecommerce SEO offers this service as a part of their SEO package to help develop and implement new content strategies for your Ecommerce website.

Penalty Recovery

Getting a penalty from Google can be a severe issue for an Ecommerce website. If a site receives such a penalty, it may see a decrease in traffic, lose its position in the SERPs, or even be completely de-indexed. 

There are two types of penalties: 

  • Manual penalty: If a site violates Google’s Webmaster guidelines, it may receive a manual penalty from human auditors working for Google. 
  • Algorithmic penalty: This type of penalty is given automatically when Google updates its search algorithms and finds anything that contradicts the new algorithm.

Among both of these categories, the algorithmic penalty is harder to detect as you won’t receive any notification regarding it; all you will see is a sudden drop in traffic to your website.

Some of the most common issues, such as irrelevant keywords, keyword stuffing, bad redirects,  cloaking, spyware, viruses, adware, etc., can be the reason for getting a penalty from Google. The penalty recovery service can help you find the source of the problem and fix the penalty issues on your website.

How Are Ecommerce SEO Packages Classified?

See How Ecommerce SEO Packages are Classified

Every digital agency has a different method for determining the cost of Ecommerce SEO packages, which can be billed monthly, biannually, annually, project-based, hourly, etc. Also, the services they include in each category of service may differ. However, if you opt for a monthly package, you can expect the following.

Monthly SEO packages can be classified as Basic SEO packages, Standard SEO packages, and Premium SEO packages.  The categories of services provided in these packages remain the same, such as initial review and analysis, On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, Local SEO, Content marketing, Video marketing, and many more. However, the main difference lies in the subcategories of these services. Let’s see how-

Basic SEO Packages

The basic packages include the services that fulfill the basic necessities of a website. As an illustration, website analysis, keyword research, competitor analysis, Google penalty check, almost all on-page SEO; a few content marketing services, such as one or two guest blogging or informative article writing, social media profile & blog posts promotion; at least one location optimization for local SEO; etc.

Standard SEO Packages  

The basic package and the standard SEO package are comparable, but the standard SEO package offers some advanced services that the basic package does not. For instance,  infographics, articles, or PDF creation & promotion, press release, review submissions, product feeds, paid optimization such as product description writing, etc. However, these services are offered at limited quality.

Premium SEO Packages

The Premium SEO package offers all kinds of SEO services, from the basic level to the advanced level. Besides, services like guest blogging, article writing, infographic creation, premium press release, article links, PDF creation & promotion, product image & video bookmarking, location optimization, product description writing, etc. are done in an extensive way. 

If you’re a small business looking to improve your website’s visibility and drive more traffic, investing in SEO can be a smart decision. However, we understand that budget is a concern for small businesses. That’s why we covered an article on affordable SEO packages specifically designed for small businesses.

How Do Ecommerce SEO Agencies Define Ecommerce SEO Pricing?

Ecommerce SEO service providers offer some well-organized SEO packages. However, the needs of every website are different. For such cases, there are also options to choose customized packages. But how do SEO agencies fix the pricing for Ecommerce SEO?

The pricing of Ecommerce SEO is defined based on workload. That is-

  • On-page SEO Checklists
  • Off-page SEO Procequre
  • Technical SEO Checklists
  • Local SEO Services
  • Content Marketing
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Number of keywords in working list
  • Combination of eCommerce SEO  services
  • Length of the service and so on.
  • And other things..

Why Should Business Owners Know About Ecommerce Website SEO Packages and Services?

SEO is crucial for every type of website, and an Ecommerce website is no exception. However, many Ecommerce owners need to learn about utilizing this significant traffic and revenue driving practice. 

The reasons why business owners should know about Ecommerce website SEO packages and services are listed below.

✓ Improve Ecommerce Website Visibility

Ecommerce SEO services help optimize an Ecommerce website to achieve a higher search rank.  The higher the rank gets, the more visible it becomes to searchers. 

✓ Increase Ecommerce Sales

Greater visibility means the site has the potential to get more traffic.  If the product images, product pages, and everything else are properly optimized, then the visitors are bound to turn into customers and increase sales. 

✓  Make Ecommerce Store Popular

SERP ranking is a significant factor in making an Ecommerce store popular with customers. Usually, the stores that possess the top positions in the SERPs are more popular among customers. Ecommerce SEO service company develop the ideal strategies and put them into practice to make websites popular.

✓  Great User Experience

Optimizing a website’s page speed, navigation, mobile accessibility, and more are part of technical SEO services that help provide a great user experience. The more user-friendly a site is, the more time users will spend on the site and make a purchase. 

✓  Great Return on Investment

Ecommerce SEO service contributes to increased organic traffic, higher rank in the SERPs,  brand value, brand stability, sales, and more. All of these successes prove that Ecommerce SEO generates excellent Return on Investment (ROI).

✓  Beat Your Competition

Ecommerce SEO offers the chance to stay ahead of the competition. The competitor analysis service helps identify the competitors’ strategies, strengths, and weaknesses. Additionally, it makes it possible to review product pages and understand customer needs and questions to present products more effectively. 

How to Choose Affordable SEO Packages?

Consider the following factors when hiring affordable SEO services for your Ecommerce site.


Look for SEO companies that provide affordable SEO packages that satisfy the needs of your website. Based on that, make a list of those SEO service providers and consider the other features mentioned below to narrow down your selection and ultimately decide on the agency you want for your website.


It’s crucial to select an SEO agency that has experience working with your business niche. It will help make the SEO strategies more effective as they are well aware of the target market and the competitors.


You can evaluate an SEO agency’s work quality and competency from the customer review. Look for reviews on social media websites and third-party websites such as Google My Business, Trust Pilot, Yelp, etc. Learn about the experience of the former clients to know how the service benefited them or what kind of problems they had to face.


You will find numerous agencies providing affordable Ecommerce SEO services. However, all those packages may not meet your budget. So, check which package can fit your budget and cover all your needs. Don’t go for cheap SEO services, as they might not be very beneficial for your site. Rather, if you need to increase your budget for better service, then go for it.


What are Ecommerce SEO services?

Ecommerce SEO services are search engine optimization services for an Ecommerce website or store that help increase the website’s visibility in the search engine result pages. These services include-

-Keyword research
-Product page optimization
-Product image optimization
-Content development and marketing 
-Technical SEO, and many more.

Are Ecommerce global SEO packages and local SEO packages the same?

No, Ecommerce global SEO packages and local SEO packages are not the same. The Ecommerce global SEO package focuses on the strategic process of comprehending international competitive issues, analyzing competitors, and optimizing technical aspects that increase visibility in the SERPs globally by providing the appropriate search results to the searcher’s location and language.

On the other hand, the local SEO package deals with keywords and other optimization factors that increase the visibility of a website in the local search results. Therefore, the difference between the two services is that while local SEO targets customers within a specific geographic area, global SEO targets customers across a variety of geographic regions.

How much do basic Ecommerce SEO services cost?

The cost of a monthly-based basic Ecommerce SEO service can cost between $750-$5,000.

What kinds of online stores can use Ecommerce SEO services?

Ecommerce SEO services are specially designed for online stores and Ecommerce websites. Therefore, every kind of online store website, whether it’s a shoe store, a clothing brand, a cosmetics brand, or other products, can use Ecommerce SEO services. 

Why do Ecommerce businesses need SEO?

Ecommerce businesses need SEO because-

-assists in increasing organic traffic
-helps in the effective display of products in search results
-strengthens the reputation of the website
-cost-effective approach to generate more profit
-provides a competitive edge
-ensures long-term results
-builds trust among the customers and the website

How long does Ecommerce SEO take?

The time needed for Ecommerce SEO is relative and depends on a number of variables, such as keyword difficulty, how well the website performs, how strong the competition is, etc. Therefore, Ecommerce SEO requires patience and proper implementation of the techniques to yield better results.

Is Ecommerce web hosting package include SEO?

No. SEO is responsible for making a website search engine friendly. Hosting is an entirely different service. However, if any client develops their entire website with an agency, they may request hosting, which the agency may consider and merge into the SEO package.

Is everything mentioned in Ecommerce SEO company packages?

Yes, everything in the Ecommerce SEO packages is specified, right down to the service categories and subcategories that will be included or excluded.  However, service providers keep the option to extend their service based on website growth and the new plan.

Are optimizing websites and SEO packages the same?

No, website optimization refers to enhancing a website’s metrics, such as traffic, usability, visibility, conversion rate, etc., to improve a website’s performance. And SEO packages are the SEO plans that assist in raising a website’s metrics in order to raise its ranking in organic search results and increase traffic and revenue from search. 

How to hire an Ecommerce SEO specialist?

To hire an Ecommerce SEO expert, you must know your company’s needs and choose someone with experience working in your industry. Depending on the needs, you have to outline the SEO plan and discuss it with the specialist to get a clear idea of what you want and how they can help you. Also, discuss the budget with the specialist.

How to Get SEO Packages in the U.S?

You can look for digital marketing companies that provide SEO packages in your area or in other US cities. Just make sure the agency is reliable and provides result-driven SEO services.

Are National SEO Services and Ecommerce SEO Services the Same?

National SEO services and Ecommerce SEO services are not completely the same; however, they have some common ground. The national SEO service is a general service for every kind of website, but Ecommerce SEO is only for Ecommerce sites.

National SEO packages are designed with SEO services that optimize any website—whether it’s an e-commerce site, a blog, or a service—to rank for keywords on a national scale. However, the Ecommerce SEO packages are specifically designed with the target keywords used for that specific Ecommerce business to rank higher for those search results.


I hope the knowledge you have gained about Ecommerce SEO from this article will be very useful to you. Utilize this knowledge to identify and fulfill the needs of your Ecommerce website so that you can improve its performance and create a better position in the industry.

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    Biplab Debnath

    Biplab Debnath

    Biplab Debnath is a tech-savvy, intuitive digital marketing specialist with experience in SEO, SEM, SMM, etc. His keen-eyed evaluates the objectives of a digital marketing campaign and, most of the time, hits the point of conversion and successfully converts through the sales funnel. He unquestionably excels at data-driven thinking, analytics, and communication, allowing him to clear up any confusion and expertly harmonize all of the marketing elements.

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